Picture this – a planet where the air is clean, water is abundant & people are able to live healthy, happy lives. At LandCare, we don’t believe this is wishful thinking. What are we doing to make this a reality?
With the need to conserve our most precious resource, our teams work with clients to develop solutions to reduce demand and usage. We employ strategies to use recycled water and implement smart weather systems so your property works with Mother Nature, not against her.
Working to alleviate the strain on landfills and the impact of transporting green waste, we employ equipment and processes to reduce site debris from our operations. By selecting plant material that produces less waste, partnering with recyclers to create organic compost, applying growth regulators and implementing proper pruning techniques, we’re doing our part to reduce waste every day.
But we know that’s just the beginning.
By electrifying our fleet vehicles and equipment, we’re reducing our carbon emissions and the use of fossil fuels. Our carbon reduction strategy focuses on five primary categories that we’ve deemed major contributors to LandCare’s Scope 1/direct carbon emissions.
Gas-powered handheld equipment such as string trimmers, leaf blowers and hedge trimmers, can emit as much as 14lbs of CO2 per hour per piece of equipment.
We've transitioned over 500 pieces of handheld equipment to electric alternatives, taking big steps towards trimming our carbon footprint.
We’ve transitioned over 100 management and fleet vehicles to electric alternatives. With gas vehicles emitting approximately 13,000 lbs. of carbon annually, our transition to electric is saving about 1.3 million lbs. of carbon emissions each year. This is just the beginning, as we continue driving towards a greener future!
When it comes to watering our green spaces, we're proud to be #LeadingTheCharge to help preserve the earth's most precious resource.
Take a look at how our branch teams are implementing innovative irrigation systems that minimize waste and ensure every drop is used efficiently.
We're doing our part to transition to electric equipment, lead green waste initiatives & reduce water usage.
Check out how teams in Seattle are working to implement these strategies, building a greener, cleaner future with every decision.
We know each plant and animal plays a pivotal role in our ecosystem. That's why we're protecting our planet's biodiversity by implementing sustainable practices.
See how our Culver City branch is partnering with local biologists to protect the blue butterfly habitats by regularly planting and maintaining buckwheat to help the endangered population thrive.