Featuring premium estates, ivy-draped mausoleums, well-manicured headstones, and sparkling water features, Acacia Memorial Park is a premier 36-acre cemetery in Seattle. 

The site must always be well-maintained due to the sensitive nature of the property and the many visitors who are present at any given time.


Since the property is a cemetery, headstones and markers can be found throughout the site and must not be disturbed. With the memorial park situated on sprawling hills, most of the turf panels are located on slopes and uneven ground, creating an additional challenge when maintaining the turf on the grounds. Furthermore, frequent wet weather and water accumulation can create extra challenges when our team is mowing certain sloped and uneven areas on the property.

Services are often held at varying times on any given day throughout the cemetery. The grounds must remain quiet near the services, and proper decorum and respect from our teams is paramount to visitors on-site.


Our team uses special equipment, intricate mow patterns, and a complex bagging system in order to properly maintain the property and avoid damaging markers, headstones, or other monuments. Due to the cemetery’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean, the weather is also often gloomy and rainy. With inclement weather being commonplace in the locale, our team finds it necessary to line-trim certain areas of the property to keep the landscape looking neat without causing damage to the turf.

Our team works closely with the property’s groundskeepers to make sure they are aware of the location and time of services taking place on their maintenance days. If they encounter a service taking place on-site, our teams are trained to avoid those areas, stop their equipment, move fleet vehicles out of courtesy, and wait until the service has finished before proceeding with work in the area. Team members will also remove their hats out of respect for the deceased while they wait.

LandCare was awarded a NALP Award of Excellence – Gold in 2022 for its work at Acacia Memorial Park. For photos and more, please visit the awards photo gallery here.